
This page contains some of my work and other professional activities.


As an industry mathematician, I have a wide range of interests. I currently work in venture capital and so am always interested in learning more about this space. Correspondingly, I am interested in traditional and non-traditional financial data and how it can be used to make better investment decisions. I am simulataneously interested in machine learning, data engineering, devops, and other tools that can help build better decision support systems.

For my research, I am primarily interested in dynamic networks, i.e., graphs that change over time. While I am now primarily interested in the various applications of dynamic networks and large-scale data that can be represented as dynamic networks, I am also interested in theoretical questions, including perspectives from algebraic topology, algorithms, stochastic processes, optimization, and graph theory.

As a coder, I am interested in cool, ergonomic, and powerful devops and data engineering tools. I also love functional programming, immutable data structures, and type systems.

I have other interests, too, including (but not limited to):

  • parallel and distributed computing
  • crypotographically-guaranteed data privacy
  • classical music
  • aerospace technology and other vehicles


  1. 2024 - pre-print (PDF)
    Spatiotemporal \(k\)-means. [1]
  2. 2024 - pre-print (PDF)
    Vertex clustering in diverse dynamic networks. [2]
  3. 2023 - Complex Networks (PDF)
    A Novel Method for Vertex Clustering in Dynamic Networks. [3]
  4. 2023 - ComNets @ NetSci (PDF)
    Spatiotemporal Graph \(k\)-means. [4]
  5. 2023 - Bioinformatics Advances (PDF)
    Network-Augmented Compartmental Models to Track Asymptomatic Disease Spread. [5]
  6. 2023 - Princeton U. | Ph.D. Dissertation (PDF)
    On Systems of Dynamic Graphs: Theory and Applications. [6]
    Adviser: Bernard Chazelle, Reader: Robert Kassouf-Short.
  7. 2022 - IEEE AeroConf (PDF)
    Introducing Tropical Geometric Approaches to Delay Tolerant Networking Optimization. [7]
  8. 2022 - IEEE AeroConf (PDF)
    A Survey of Mathematical Structures for Lunar Networks. [8]
  9. 2021 - Complex Networks (PDF)
    Extracting Semantic Information from Dynamic Graphs of Geometric Data. [9]
  10. 2016 - SIURO (PDF)
    Rumors with Personality: A Differential and Agent-Based Model of Information Spread through Networks. [10]


  1. 2024 June – QCAM (Slides)
    Vertex clustering in diverse dynamic networks.
  2. 2024 June – UCLA Mathematics
    Queer in Math Panel.
  3. 2024 April – Spectra @ U. of Kentucky
    Career Panel.
  4. 2024 January – Joint Mathematics Meetings (Slides)
    A Novel Method for Vertex Clustering in Dynamic Networks.
  5. 2023 November – Complex Networks (Poster)
    Spatiotemporal Graph k-means. Given by Olga Dorabiala.
  6. 2023 May – Spectra Survey of Mathematics @ U. of Kentucky (Slides)
    Dynamic Graphs.
  7. 2023 May – Princeton U. | Ph.D. Defense (Slides)
    On Systems of Dynamic Graphs: Theory and Applications.
    Committee: Bernard Chazelle, Mona Singh, Jason M. Klusowski.
  8. 2023 March – SIAM CSE (Slides)
    Inspired by Nature: Dynamic Graphs and their Applications.
  9. 2022 Winter – Princeton U. | PICSciE Wintersession
    Workshop: Now You git It!.
  10. 2021 December – Complex Networks
    Extracting Semantic Information from Dynamic Graphs of Geometric Data.
  11. 2021 Fall – Princeton U. | PICSciE
    Workshop: Now You git It!.
  12. 2021 Summer – NASA | GlennTalk
    Why everyone is a graph theorist (and some potpourri).
  13. 2021 Summer – NASA
    Workshop: git It Together.
  14. 2021 January – Princeton U. | General Examination
    Analyzing Basketball with Dynamic Networks.
    Committee: Bernard Chazelle, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Weinan E.
  15. 2020 Spring – Princeton U. | PICSciE
    Workshop: Now You git It!.
  16. 2019 Fall – Princeton U. | Research Computing Bootcamp 2019
    Workshop: Version Control with Git.
  17. 2019 June – U. of Waterloo | Anita T. Layton Research Group
  18. 2017 Fall – Duke U. | Focus Dinner Talk
    Get Your Text out of the Clouds with Laplace.
  19. 2016 November – HackDuke 2016
  20. 2016 November – HackDuke 2016
    Workshop: git your shit together. With Jiawei Zhang.
  21. 2016 Fall – Duke U. | Focus Dinner Talk
    Rumors with Personality.
  22. 2015 Spring – Duke U. Dept. of Romance Studies | Undergraduate Research Symposium
    Oubapo: La Distillation de l’Information.

Other Research Projects

  1. 2017 Spring to 2018 Spring – Duke U. | Senior Thesis Work
    Basketball Data Analysis. (note: I never formally submitted my senior thesis.)
  2. 2015 Summer – Duke U. | Bass Connections
    Feature Extraction and Quantitative Analysis of Large Scientific Document Corpora. Supervised by Xiaobai Sun and Nikos Pitsianis.

Current Professional Service


O. Dorabiala, D. V. Dabke, J. Webster, and N. J. K. A. Aravkin, “Spatiotemporal \(k\)-means,” 2024.
D. V. Dabke and O. Dorabiala, “Vertex clustering in diverse dynamic networks,” Feb. 2024.
D. V. Dabke and O. Dorabiala, “A novel method for vertex clustering in dynamic networks,” in Complex networks & their applications XII, Springer, 2023, pp. 445–456. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-53499-7_36
D. V. Dabke and O. Dorabiala, “Spatiotemporal graph k-means,” in Proceedings of the communities in networks ComNets @ NetSci 2023, 2023.
D. V. Dabke, K. Karntikoon, C. Aluru, M. Singh, and B. Chazelle, “Network-augmented compartmental models to track asymptomatic disease spread,” Bioinformatics Advances, 2023, doi: 10.1093/bioadv/vbad082
D. V. Dabke, “On systems of dynamic graphs: Theory and applications,” PhD thesis, Princeton University, 2023.
J. Cleveland et al., “Introducing tropical geometric approaches to delay tolerant networking optimization,” in 2022 IEEE aerospace conference (AERO), 2022, pp. 1–11. doi: 10.1109/AERO53065.2022.9843242
A. Hylton et al., “A survey of mathematical structures for lunar networks,” in 2022 IEEE aerospace conference (AERO), 2022, pp. 1–17. doi: 10.1109/AERO53065.2022.9843305
D. V. Dabke and B. Chazelle, “Extracting semantic information from dynamic graphs of geometric data,” in Complex networks & their applications X, Springer, 2021, pp. 474–485. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-93413-2_40
D. V. Dabke and E. E. Arroyo, “Rumors with personality: A differential and agent-based model of information spread through networks,” SIAM Undergraduate Research Online, vol. 9, pp. 453–467, Dec. 2016, doi: 10.1137/16S015103